Day 12:01 am

  • A Kind Of Loving, suited and booted, beehived & bouffanted glamour and prime time kitchen sink-isms

    Stan Barstow-A Kind Of Loving 1982 television series-Clive Wood-Joanne Whalley-DVD coverA bit like somehow or other 1970s grit along the lines of Villain is in amongst Afterhours and my own work, somewhere along the line could be found some kind of inkling of classic kitchen sink drama, cinema etc. Think Saturday Night, Sunday Morning, A Taste Of Honey etc.

    It’s possibly in the very Britishness. A kind of drab (or should that be against a drab world/setting?), suited and booted, beehived and bouffanted glamour, charisma, style and working class rebellion that could be traced forwards to the likes of the Medway scene in the 1980s (Billy Childish, The Milkshakes etc). A certain kind of kicking back against how things are just before they’re ready to fully start changing and having a little give – ie just pre-swinging London-ness, as I have something of a fondness for. Possibly a certain kind of rough hewn, no mucking about masculinity mixed in with that just mentioned suited and booted style.

    Stan Barstow-A Kind Of Loving 1982 television series-Clive Wood-Joanne WhalleyAlong which lines, the early 1980s television adaptation of A Kind Of Loving…

    There’s a point in Tom Jones autobiography where one of his early managers sees him perform for the first time and afterwards his wife says something along the lines of “I’ve never seen anything so male.”

    Stan Barstow-The Watchers On The Shore-Corgi book-A Kind Of Loving 1982 television series-Clive Wood-Joanne WhalleyClive Wood (seen to the left on the cover of one of the tv tie-in/follow up books) in this television version reminds me of that sense. There’s a very solid, almost glowering maleness to him.

    And then wandering back to 1970s grit, mixing it in with 1960s kitchen sink drama (and because as I think I’ve said before, I have something of a fondness for how books, films etc are presented, postered, covered etc over the years)… the cover below is from around the mid-1960s, the style and cut of the clothes says that time but the setting and the cooling towers tends to make me think more of the early to mid-1970s, that sense of an industrial nation neglected, troubled, possibly gone to seed.

    Stan Barstow-A Kind Of Loving-Penguin bookOh and prime time kitchen sink? Well, the the A Kind Of Loving TV series was broadcast at a time when there were but three or so television channels in the UK and in that climate this particular slice of kitchen sink drama was only kept off the top viewing figures slot by the then most popular soap opera. 15 million folk turned on and tuned in, effectively heading towards a third of the population.



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