Farewell My Lovely and hardboiled, neo-noir gumshoe-ery…
I have something of a softspot for Robert Mitchum in the 1970s: he’s like a big tired bear of a chap… there’s a kind of world weariness to him that’s ideally suited to the likes of Farewell My Lovely, The Big Sleep and The Friends Of Eddie Coyle……and I also have something of a softspot for the posters, artwork, lobby cards, video cases etc that accompany such films, particularly when they’re part of lost and sometimes forgotten media. At the top of is the artwork to the CED videodisc – a kind of precursor of DVDs where the film was read with a record player like stylus rather than a laser.
Anyway, Farewell My Lovely, 1975… a fine slice of neo-noir, hardboiled gumshoe-ry. Lovely looking and some rather fine lighting.
Peruse the film here.
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