Earls of Suave and pre-burlesque iconography that adorned platters that matter
Blimey, it all seems like a long time ago now that I was a-flicking through the record racks next to Camden Town tube and being intrigued by/debating a purchase or two of these particular platters.
If you should not know, Earls of Suave were a suave, escapee Elvis, garage-esque-a-billy band that graced stages and vinyl in the early 1990s.
Amongst their ranks they variously included a number of former and future members of Gallon Drunk, The Flaming Stars, The Stingrays, Thee Headcoats and Thee Headcoatees and could almost be considered a prototype gathering for a combo yet to arrive.
There’s something more than a little iconic about these covers – particularly A Cheat – and they may well have shared a pre-burlesque-shimmy-and-shake-revival, tumbling forward in time with the gals that grace the sleeves of the Las Vegas Grind albums (see Day #38/365a).
Peruse a smattering of their work here and a smattering more at the old Discogs here.
Have a goggle at some relatively rare flickerings and screaming here.
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