Afterhours Sleaze and Dignity
A Soho of the Mind
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Afterhours Light Catching
From afterhours wanderings…
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October 6, 2015
Recent Posts
Afterhours Light Catching
The Medway Scene and youth culture in the caff rather than at the club…
Biba and worlds unto themselves
Afterhours Light Catching
Further populuxe modernism from under the radar…
Mad Men – grown up modernism from over the seas
Afterhours Light Catching
The Flipside, West End Jungle, interrelated film cycles and cultural rehabilitation
A gathering of a Soho film cycle
Angel Heart’s convolutions and casting back…
Bettie Page and transgressive reverberations
Afterhours Light Catching
The Bank Job, shennanigans and stories that travel forwards and backwards in time…
Saturday Night, Sunday Morning and a somewhat classy pictorial representation of Jack The Lad…
Afterhours Light Catching
A Kind Of Loving, suited and booted, beehived & bouffanted glamour and prime time kitchen sink-isms
The World Ten Times Over and understated lives
44 Inch Chest, further weathered suaveness and lives lived…
16 Horsepower, transcendence and weathered suaveness…
Afterhours Light Catching
She Wears Red Feathers and a Hula Hula Skirt*
Our Friends In The North – Imaginative Time Travel and Experiments In Consensual Hallucination
Biography Of A Buick and researchative entertainment
Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid and cultural splicing/time travelling…
James Ellroy and imaginative time travelling
A Vision Of Loveliness, pre-Swinging London glamour and tales of West End popsies
Afterhours Light Catching
Otto Penzler, noir distinctions and knights in tarnished armour
Performance, reinventing a genre and related scribings and encasings…
Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster and a brief moment of deliveration…
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A Soho of the Mind - Afterhours Sleaze and Dignity
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