Day 12:01 am

  • The dames, dolls, world and work of Niagra

    Niagra-Detroit-Doll-Afterhours Sleaze and Dignity Niagra-Detroit-Blonde Run-Afterhours Sleaze and Dignity Well, I could well be here all day posting Niagra’s artwork, it’s fine work that mixes a very particular pop art-esque aesthetic with a noirish sensibility and…

    Well I could use the phrase femme fatale to describe the gals that inhabit her paintings and world but… I don’t think it would quite suffice. It wouldn’t capture their utter hardboiled, tough talking, (killer) high-heeled attitude.

    Niagra-Detroit-This Band Sucks-Afterhours Sleaze and Dignity Niagra-Detroit-If I Want Your Opinion-Afterhours Sleaze and Dignity

    Visit the work and world of Niagra in the ether here. The book of her work, published by 9mm books in 2005 is now out of print but can still be found. You could try here for starters.


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