Day 12:01 am
Tom Waits Small Change (and a possible pre-Mistress Of The Dark)
This photo from the cover of Tom Waits Small Change album I think captures a certain something just about right – a kind of dissolute, lowlife, in the gutter, earlyhours of the morning, when did my life disappear off the end of a barstool-ness.
It has Mr Tom Waits in fine boho/hobo fettle and quite possibly the future Elvira-Mistress Of The Dark Cassandra Peterson.
I say quite possibly because the lady herself has this to say on the subject:
“I’ve stared at it really, really hard, and I’m pretty sure it’s me” and attributes such not quite sure-ness to something of a life lived during the 1970s.
Anyways, Mr Tom Waits, a tip of the hat to you sir.
PS A couple of escapee outtakes from the above mentioned shoot, that I’ve only recently stumbled upon:
Peruse the album here.
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