Day 12:01 am
China Town, neo-noir creations and edited ephemera…
When I was heading towards this first public year of Afterhours, I took a visit and a re-visit to various film favourites and a number of neo-noirs; in particular The Big Sleep (1978), Farewell My Lovely (1975) and China Town (1974).
The first two spring in one way or another from the pen of Raymond Chandler… the third is a fellow brethren in all but actuality. I don’t know if it’s right to call it a homage – this isn’t a nuance for nuance retread and recreation, it is its own story and creation…
A lovely looking film, in particular Mr Nicholson and Ms Dunaway; Mr Nicholson was heading towards 40 when it was made but looks almost impossibly young in a way, Ms Dunaway was in her early 30s but seems far older somehow – possibly a reflection of the trials of her character’s life.
On this page are a few related images and ephemera that have caught my eye since re-viewing the film; in particular the Super 8 version.
I like the way that pre the ubiquity of video recorders, such versions were the only way that films could be shown at home.
The box says it is a “SELECTED SCENE EDITION” and I think it would have run for about 11 to 17 minutes, which as the actual film runs for 131 minutes, well, that’s quite a selected scene version indeed.
Peruse the film here.
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